Coffee is the lifeblood of most of the working people — it keeps you awake, promotes productivity, and it tastes great. You probably find yourself starting the day with a cup of coffee — either at home or on the way to work — and enjoying another to fight the afternoon slump. What many don’t realise is the amount of waste this generates, particularly for fans of takeaway coffee.
When ordering takeaway from coffee shops, chances are it will be in a cardboard or a plastic cup. In today’s age, this is considered a huge environmental issue; after all, an average one cup a day yields about 10kg of waste per year. This brings us to the most cost-efficient and effective solution: reusable cups and mugs! Many businesses now offer a variation of these eco-friendly drinking implements — whether it’s the reusable cup with straw or the stainless steel mugs with covers.
The use of these reusable cups yields several benefits for you and the environment. Here are four reasons to start using reusable cups for your takeaway coffee.

1. For the environment
Your cardboard takeaway cup, while initially thought to be eco-friendly, generates more waste than advertised. The interior of most cardboard cups is layered with plastic, which most recycling plants can’t separate from the cardboard making it unrecyclable. Aside from this, cardboard cups can’t be made from entirely recycled materials to comply with health and safety regulations. The use of reusable cups will then help cut down on the country’s annual waste whilst also easing the cutting of trees for cardboard cup manufacturing.

2. For saving money
Buying a reusable cup is usually considered an added expense, but it is actually a healthy investment. Making coffee at home and taking out on your reusable cup is much cheaper than buying takeaway coffee. For those who aren’t fans of home-brewed coffee, most commercial and artisanal coffee shops offer a discount when you bring your own cup, so there are still savings to be made.

3. For your enjoyment
Reusable cups don’t only save the environment. They also pave the way for you to savor your coffee. The insulation of these containers is much better than your average plastic or cardboard cup, which keeps your hot drinks warm and your iced drinks cold for more prolonged periods. Beyond this, certain components of cups mix with your coffee — paper and cardboard gets mushy while plastic tends to have BPA — thus diluting with the liquid and ruining the taste. A reusable cup will allow you to savor your caffeinated bean juice while preserving its taste throughout the whole day.

4. For style
Reusable cups aren’t only eco-friendly and highly functional, they’re also extremely stylish! Many reusable cups are now customisable, offered in different colors and patterns, and even composed of different makes and styles. Saving the environment hasn’t looked as stylish as it does today.
The use of reusable containers for your coffee won’t only help save the environment, but it also saves you money while allowing you to savor your coffee in style. Many may consider this a very small step, but even small steps are necessary to help keep the green movement spreading.
Are you looking for a reusable cup with straw or a stainless steel mug? Get in touch with us today and see all our eco-friendly and health-centric products.